‹Programming› 2024
Mon 11 - Fri 15 March 2024 Lund, Sweden
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Submission Form


Please fill in this form and notice the last text field, which is for a more elaborate description that is used by the reviewers to assess the proposals.

Note, the question can be answered either directly in the proposal, or CFP. CFPs often cover the same information, duplication is not necessary for such cases.

Organizers of a workshop previously co-located at are allowed to submit a minimal proposal including information for the questions marked with (*).

Committee Form

This form asks for the committee members to be added. It is fine to simply add the organizers, the PC is not necessary at this stage.

Give a summary of what the Workshop entails. When accepted, this text will be used as initial description (editable) shown on the track page.
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e.g. Call for Papers/Posters/Tutorials/...
Text of the call for papers/posters/...
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When accepted, this submission deadline will be added as important date, which can later be changed.

1) What is the motivation for the workshop?

  • Objectives
  • Intended audience
  • Relevance (with respect to the topics of the <Programming> conference)
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2*) Who organizes the workshop?

  • Organizers and primary contact (name / affiliation / email)
  • Brief details on the organizers (previous workshop organizing experience, etc.)
  • Data on potential previous iterations of the workshop
    • How many participants do you expect (please make at least an educated guess)
    • What kind of software do you expect to use to run the workshop (e.g. slack, Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Advertisement: Planed advertisement strategy to ensure sufficient participation
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3) Is there going to be a workshop program committee?

  • if so, please list the members if already known (indicated as finalized or expected)
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4) What is the planed workshop format?

  • Planned deadlines ( keep in mind suggested deadlines at the call page)
  • Intended submission format
  • Evaluation process for submissions
  • Intended submission format (e.g. intended format for articles, posters, abstracts, or any other kind of submission requested to participate in the workshop)
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5*) What is the intended publication of accepted submissions?