Registered user since Sun 4 Jun 2017
Dr. Müller is a Computer Science Professor at the University of Victoria. He is an international expert in software engineering, quantum computing, adaptive systems, intelligent cyber-physical systems, and internet of things. He has published over 250 papers and co-organized many conferences and workshops in these research fields, including Dagstuhl and Shonan Meetings in Germany and Japan on Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems (2010), Engineering Autonomic Systems (2013) and Software Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems (2017). With his research group, he collaborates extensively with industry especially IBM Canada Ltd. He is Co-Chair of IEEE Future Directions Quantum Initiative (2019-23). He is co-founder and General Chair for QCE20 & CQE21, the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE). He served on the IEEE Conferences Committee (2019-2021). He was Vice President IEEE Computer Society Technical and Conference Activities Board (2016-18) and past Chair of TCSE, IEEE CS Technical Council on Software Engineering (2011-15).
He is a Member of the ICSE Steering Committee member. He was General Chair for ICSE 2001, the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) in Toronto. He was steering committee chair, co-founder, and General Chair of the SEAMS conference series—ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems. He was Technical Program Co-Chair of WF-IoT 2018 and WF-IoT 2015, the World Forum of Internet of Things in Singapore and Milano, Italy respectively. He was General Chair of ICSME 2014, the 30th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME) in Victoria.
He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and an IEEE Computer Society Golden Core member and received the 2016 TCSE Distinguished Service Award. He was the founding Director of the accredited Bachelor of Software Engineering degree program in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Victoria. Müller received a BS in electrical engineering from ETH Zürich and MS and PhD degrees in computer science from Rice University. He sings, plays guitar, and enjoys hiking and skiing.
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