Registered user since Mon 30 Nov 2015
I’m a development senior manager and researcher with the SAP Innovation Center Potsdam as well as the Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI), University of Potsdam. In my first role, I’m leading the Composable Process Platform Innovation team that works on helping businesses to increase adaptability in an ever-changing world. In my second role and after conferring emeritus status on Prof. Plattner at the HPI, I am still responsible as chair representative for his retired Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts (EPIC) research group including mentoring of remaining PhD students, transferring of latest research results, and ensuring a strong industry partnership with SAP.
Before joining SAP in 2014, I was a postdoctoral researcher and Ph.D. student in computer science with the Software Architecture Group, led by Prof. Dr. Robert Hirschfeld, at the HPI.
My main research focuses on Enterprise Software Architecture and Maintenance, Reverse Engineering and Debugging, In-Memory Databases, and Data-driven Decision Support.
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