‹Programming› 2024
Mon 11 - Fri 15 March 2024 Lund, Sweden
Tue 12 Mar 2024 10:00 - 11:00 at M:Teknodromen - PAI Keynote and Presentations

Machine vision has mobilised photography in unprecedented ways throughout the last decade. Classification algorithms became increasingly apt at parsing visual input, and more recent products such as Dall-e or Stable Diffusion have proved efficient in generating culturally relevant imagery. Every day, computer vision researchers engage in a practice that promises to reshape visuality and organise digital images, making them intelligible and actionable. Their work changes our ways of seeing and of imagining. Yet the field has spent little time addressing theoretically the politics and affordances of photographic mediation. In machine vision papers, photographs function in different ways. They are treated as straightforward visual ‘samples’ of the real world. They can also be used as aesthetic objects and their realism is presented as a marker of style. Further, they are conceived as self-standing documents free from the contexts from which they originated or the authors who created them. The presentation will explore these treatments of the image from the point of view of photography and aesthetic theory. In doing this, the talk will open a discussion about what an image theory relevant to computer vision scientists and programmers could be like.

Nicolas Malevé is an artist, visual researcher and data activist. He is currently a postdoc at the School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University. His work explores various modes of intervention in the politics and aesthetics of computer vision.

Tue 12 Mar

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

10:00 - 12:00
PAI Keynote and PresentationsProgramming with AI at M:Teknodromen
Dear developers, what do you mean by photography?PAI Keynote
Programming with AI
K: Nicolas Malevé Aarhus University
Magic Markup: Maintaining Document-External Markup with an LLM
Programming with AI
Edward Misback University of Washington, USA, Zachary Tatlock University of Washington, Steven Tanimoto University of Washington, Seattle
Ironies of Programming Automation: Exploring the Experience of Code Synthesis Via Large Language Models
Programming with AI
Alan McCabe Lund University, Moa Björkman , Joel Engström , Peng Kuang Lund University, Sweden & WASP, Emma Söderberg Lund University, Luke Church University of Cambridge | Lund University | Lark Systems